Goodness and mercy shall follow me
Psalms 23:6 (KJV)
“Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.”
Can anybody picture what goodness is really like? If you ever get to know the God we serve, then the above scripture will make deeper meaning to your spirit. If the God we serve is able to provide for the heathen, how much more to you who was saved by the grace of God through Jesus. There are many scriptures that reveal our life in God but we pay a deaf ear to them and instead concentrate on negativity and doom. Remember we give power to everything we speak. Imagine a person who murdered being set free because he defended himself well and there was no sufficient evidence to pin him. That's the power of speech. If a murderer can defend himself and is set free, how about you when you boast of the good things in God for you, can the devil even dare withhold it from you.
The bible tells us in 2Peter 1:3 that God has given us all things that pertain to life and godliness. Now, just think about this, if you pray to God and He gives you a bike , do you really think that He will fail to give you money for fuel ? Which is more expensive, bike or fuel? In Ephesians we are told to make our requests with thanksgiving to God. And this is how you ought to pray when you need fuel for your bike. "God thank you for the bike you have given me and the fuel with which it runs on." And don't pray like this, "God you have given me a bike but I can't find fuel for it." The moment you say can't, you disqualify yourself from getting fuel. But when you make the right prayer, fuel has no option but to come your way, either to fill your tank or cause money to come depending on your level of faith.
Dear Brethren, God has not raised you in India or brought you here to fail you. That's why there is a word called faith in the bible meaning the substance of things hoped for. In Christ Jesus, everything is yes and Amen. That's the God we believed and not the one of failure. That's why We ought to believe that we can never fail in life. When challenges come, the more we rejoice because they are drawing us near to the destiny God has purposed and planned for us.
God bless your new month and Surely goodness and mercy shall follow you this month and for the rest of the days of your life. Just believe and rest in God.