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Pursue wisdom

Isaiah 33:6 (KJV)

“And wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of thy times, and strength of salvation: the fear of the Lord is his treasure.”

Many of the previous devotions have constantly challenged us to always read the message we believed in. Wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of thy times. This means that the more wisdom and knowledge you acquire, the stable your life is. The bible teaches in proverbs 23:23 "Buy the truth, and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction, and understanding.” Becoming born again is good but to maintain that life of born again, you need to have the "how" knowledge. It's dangerous to remain stagnant at one point because the enemy will have an easy access to your downfall.

The word of God says in (2Peter 2:20) that, “People can be made free from the evil in the world. They can be made free by knowing our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. But if they go back into those evil things and are controlled by them, then it is worse for them than it was before.” The reason why the fall occurs is because of the limited knowledge those people acquire. Many people only remain with the same knowledge that brought them to salvation yet times and seasons change. To be able to successfully live in any season, you need a spring of knowledge.

Friends I persuade you today to buy knowledge and truth. This will sustain your life in salvation. Many people falsely think that a life of salvation is struggle but let me correct that, when you earnestly seek for knowledge, you will find this life easier than ever before.

Blessed day

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